Of course, whether one is going out or coming back also weighs heavily on the music selection. Don Felder's Heavy Metal (Takin' A Ride) and John Fogerty's Centerfield are both great going out songs, but for the return trip, something a bit more mellow and introspective is often appropriate- and this is where it gets a bit complicated. Barry Manilow is almost never driving music, but Neil Diamond might be. Similarly, the Eagles did a lot of great driving music, but great care must be taken in choosing their music. Just for starters, James Dean and Already Gone are definitely outbound songs, but Ol '55 is definitely a return trip song, as is New Kid In Town. Otis Redding's Sittin' By The Dock Of The Bay also fits in the return trip category.
And then there are the songs that just will play well whether the sun is just going down, or the birds are just starting to chirp. The Blues Brothers' Sweet Home Chicago and most of the collected works of Abba and Shania Twain fit here.
Database news: I've done a bit of light data entry recently, but nothing worth updating any statistics as of yet. I'm kicking around some ideas for a new table, but as it will include computers (and their innards, software and peripherals) I need to actually spend a bit of time and thought on this, and actually design it before building the table. In the interim, I'll be adding names to the Publisher/Manufacturer table.
As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.
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