Back in the early Eighties, there was a somewhat local band I liked called the Lamont Cranston Band. They played a really nice rock-blues fusion, and had some regional hits, but never went on to the big time. One of the more interesting songs from their Upper Mississippi Shakedown LP was something of a novelty called "Seven". In this tune, the singer laments that seven used to be his lucky number, but now everything associated with seven was bad.
Its not really that way with me. I don't believe in "lucky" numbers. If you would ask, I would tell you that my favorite numbers are five and four (in that order)- not that it means anything.
But... seven is a fairly special number for me, as far as this blog goes: its like the ceiling, a barrier to be broken through. With the hours and times that I work, I've found that getting more that seven blogs per month is challenging. And, when those times hit when I've got absolutely nothing in the idea tank, well... I really have nothing.
Today, though... today is a first: I literally just finished the post Drivers, and immediately started this one. As I was waking up this afternoon after a longer than expected Friday night at work, I was thinking about finishing and publishing the previously mentioned blog when it occurred to me that on most months if I publish seven blogs that's quite an achievement. And Drivers is #7 for the month of March, 2014. So , this has the potential of being #8.
Up. And. Running. 5.30.14 (30.5.14)
It took nearly a month, but Jennifer's new rig is operational and has been deployed! The machine was complete around a month ago, but then I decided to install an additional top mounted cooling fan. We had the box open today, and I casually mentioned to Mr. T that I had two 120mm fans, so he said we might as well use both, so we side mounted the second one (the blue ones are the ones we installed today). Windows 7 is mounted on an SSD- it boots incredibly quickly.
The only real issue I had was getting the PC online; I get a pass on this, though, because its actually the very first PC I've built from the ground up. We were watching a few episodes of the Big Bang Theory and having some incredible turkey that Jennifer had baked. I think we watched three episodes before the answer came to me: I had not installed the drivers from the motherboard utilities CD. Once I did that, we were good to go. I discovered an interesting quirk about this PC: the two front panel mounted USB ports are only for I/O... this is something new. Mr. T and I had prepared for taking the PC online for the first time by downloading some of our favorite utilities (Avast, CCleaner and Defraggler) onto a USB stick.Strangely, though, the PC did not acknowledge the existence of the stick. Odd, as I had the transceiver for the mouse in the next port over. I pulled the stick out, and swapped places with the transceiver. Mouse worked fine, but not the stick. Oh, well, on to Plan B- I went to each site and downloaded the software. Suspecting a possible issue with the drive, I plugged it into a top mounted USB port, and there it was! So the rule for this PC is: Front for I/O, top for data.
After the Chrome installation (this is the standard 1st download here at the SUL), I downloaded the Amazon Player. If you purchase music on Amazon, you really owe it to yourself to download the player, as most music purchased on Amazon becomes part of your Amazon personal cloud. So, even though I hadn't loaded my personal music library to Windows Media Player, I had access to a few hundred songs. I fired up Axe's Rock 'N' Roll Party In The Streets and then Night's Hot Summer Nights- classic late 70's rock which are probably unfamiliar to many. I played these two tracks as I downloaded the Steam client.
I think that's all for now. No data news or updates today, but I should have some speeds and feeds in the next blog or so.
Until them. I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.
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