Monday, October 3, 2016

Oh hey dere!

This September has pretty much been THAT sort of month for me- and while I was worrying about September, October rolled in! And if you're wondering what "THAT sort of month" means, nearly every word in these first two sentences needed to be corrected BEFORE the proofreading stage of posting this blog.


For those long-suffering, loyal readers who might have been wondering where this blog had gone... rest assured, it is still here. Obviously.

What's been going on in my life?

Well, for starters, I'm still butting heads with R. For those unacquainted, ""R"  is a statistical programming language.


My main Twitter account, @cjoelharrison,  deals primarily with data: Big Data, the Internet of Things, Statistics and Mathematics. Now, before you write me off as a propellerhead with no foundation in the real world, let me explain what I do on Twitter.

My main twitter account exists primarily to gather and repeat information and news about Big Data, the Internet of Things and anything related to these topics. Lots of verticals, especially ag, petro, transport and health, and the IoT/IoE applications therein. (And for those who know me IRL... WTF???)

Yes, I actually think about these things.

Anyway, moving right along- I finally installed R and RStudio on our Windows 10 machine... somewhat  successfully. R is okay, but the 'swirl' library is not working,  so I made a post on the R Studio forum, and hope for a fix.

That's all for now, I suppose.

As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.

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