"What is this, the Dark Ages?", asks Dr. Leonard McCoy, in "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home".
It might not be the best Star Trek film, but Star Trek IV is near the top of my favorites list. Dr. McCoy pretty much nailed why I haven't been to the dentist in some time. To make a long story short, I found myself in an oral surgeon's chair at high noon today, and I left the office about an hour later with two fewer teeth. What amazed me, though, was the relative speed and comfort of the procedure. First, a panoramic x-ray- and not a lead suit of armor anywhere! Then, the actual procedure: a shot of a novacane-type numbing agent, and I was completely numbed in less than a minute. Then, the procedure: two teeth removed... total time- less than five minutes. The total bill was even a bit less than I had been earlier quoted! Snookums and I drove home, and I had to have gauze in my mouth for two hours before the bleeding was reduced to a bit of seepage. This, of course, threw the rest of the day off a bit more than I had planned. I was concerned about opening the suture at work, so I took the evening off, and the day job is also going to be an unpaid sick day, but, barring any unforeseen issues, I'll be back at it tomorrow night!
I had some soft food, some tea, and finally got down to the Secret Underground Lair. As the Playstation upgrade has been verified, I deleted the 160GB transfer/backup folder from my 1TB portable HD. I thought to myself, "Hmm. That's a lot of data. I haven't defragged this HDD since... um, since I bought it. Over a year ago. Well over a year ago- and it's in daily use. May as well do that now." So, I did. Normally, we use Defraggler here, but this PC doesn't have all of our standard suite of utilities, and I ended up using the native Windows XP defrag utility.
It took around five hours. Well, it's not like I was going anywhere.
Other news/updates: I hope to have Ubuntu news and a database update next edition. I've not done much due to dental situation (which actually dates back to last Thursday), so my fuzzy schedule is still fuzzy. I also found a monitor stand, so before I do any more wiring, I need to mount that on the desk. We also may have one more PC to deploy; if I do that, I'll more than likely try to get another two port KVM when finances permit. I also need to download the latest versions of ubuntu, Fedora and possibly Mint. The database has only had a few new items added, statistically insignificant even for me.
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