Sunday, January 27, 2013

Something New

This is my 10th blog entry, and I figured I'd do a bit of e-celebrating by giving it a special title. "Something New?" one might say. Not particularly original, especially since I'm using it in the context of the Beatles' 10th album release, according to a Beatles discography on wikipedia. So, huzzah! Or, as John Lennon so famously put it,  "For our last number, I'd like to ask your help. Would the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands, and the rest of you, if you'd just rattle your jewelry." 

The Beatles actually are the perfect segue into today's thrilling database update. After many months, I've started to populate the Songs table! I decided to start with The Beatles because there are songs that on more than one album, so in addition to progress, I've got some real time testing going on. So far, everything looks good here. Another table, however, has a problem that I was aware of but hadn't chosen to address until now. The Time table has 43.2K records, which is twelve hours in one second increments. I was so happy when I created this in Excel- it was exactly what I needed for the database. The only problem was I was looking at Excel formatted values. When I imported it into Access, I discovered that my simple solution was only a partial solution, because Excel might have displayed 00:02, but Access displayed 12:00:02 AM. So, unless I can figure out a better way, I am looking at no fewer than 43.2K edits to this table BEFORE the table is usable.

I pretty much hate data entry, but really enjoy working with tables, so it's okay. Still, 43.2K+ edits is a BIG number. The good news is that this particular table does not contain data which is vital to the database. But, its 43.2k+ of edits.

In other news, I'm having a time getting Microsoft Office 2010 charts to present data properly. So far, every time I create a chart, Office inverts the data in the chart. No biggie, as I can just resort the data, but its somewhat annoying as a chart should present data as it is presented.

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