Yesterday afternoon, in the middle of my continuing quest for permanent, gainful employment, our older son plopped down on the couch and began a session of
Battlefield 3. It was actually an oddly pleasant diversion from the quiet of Dice, Indeed, Monster and Gmail. Well, except for the obscenities that a few players on the Playstation Network were using, it was pleasant. I have to say I'd like to try that game sometime- I can't do much worse at it than I do at the driving games which I enjoy playing.

Speaking of games, I installed Steam on the Windows 7 box last night, which began a domino effect in the Secret Underground Lair. I've been doing a bit of reorganizing in the Dungeon. The Dungeon is where the weight bench and weights live. In the Dungeon is a small, disassembled desktop shelving unit that has basket drawers. I got it some time ago for a since forgotten purpose, and it has been gathering dust. Actually, there were two of these units, so I had the brilliant idea of putting one of these together and substituting a top shelf
for the drawers. The end result is rather nice- there is enough room on the desk now for the keyboard or the mouse. The speakers are also on the lower shelf; it ended up being a very nice arrangement.
Concurrent with the rearranging of the monitor and keyboard, I installed Dirt 3 and Civilization V. Both of these are games I really love to play. I do pretty well with Civilization; Dirt, not so much. I also got out the old P Touch and began labeling equipment. Eventually, all of the major hardware components of the network- including routers and switches- will get some sort of network identification label, and the wiring will also be labeled.
And then everything will be mapped out in Visio. Of course. As I am working the next three nights, I think I'll do some database work tonight.
As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.
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