Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Training, Interrupted

One of my greatest fears when I began blogging was what might be called "churn factor," or writer's block. I've written things on and off for some time. In high school, I wanted to write a Great Space Opera- a grand, expansive science fiction tour de force. I started countless stories, first with a ballpoint pen, then typewriter and finally computer, but for any number of reasons I never managed to write more than a chapter or two. As recently as 2012 I started one (that one has a bit of a chance of getting finished).

But here I sit, more than slightly astonished that my count of entries is over one hundred, and just last week launched a second blog (about my new adventures in digital photography) at

I started this on Monday, May the 12th. This particular title owes its inspiration to our failed attempt to hit the gym. In weightlifting circles, its pretty much a given that when one is training, one is lifting. The converse does not seem to hold true, though- just because you're lifting, it doesn't mean that you're training.

I won't belabor all of the nuances.

The reason we didn't go to the gym was really quite simple: a massive rain storm had rolled through the area. Hail, reduced visibility, high winds, and lots of rain... the rain was so heavy....

How heavy was it?

The rain was so heavy, there were bubbles coming out from under our street. Which, when one considers it, is fairly odd. After all, one does not walk out to the street and to see it bubbling and hear it gurgling.

The rains came in two or three waves. The first wave featured hail and torrents. When the first wave had mostly abated, I picked up our older son from work, and then I went to work. During lulls at the office, I watched the storms roll through on the computer, and occasionally heard thunder above the noise of the plant and saw some lightning through the window, but the worst of it seems to have been the first wave.

No real news on the data front. Well, not entirely true. I recently downloaded Omron's pedometer software (astute followers of my Adventures in the Secret Underground Lair [SUL] will recall that I had previously posted a blog describing a catastrophic HDD failure which resulted in the loss of over a year's pedometer data [One simply does not RAID the SUL]). This time I plan to beef up my data security a bit- by actually backing it up!

As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.

Please try the other flavor of hochspeyer- digital photography!

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