Mark and I had been trading emails regarding the latest blog post, and I mentioned to him what I had related in a previous post- that my brain is like Swiss cheese; specifically, my memory is somewhat holey, and sometimes the facts get lost in the holes (the holes in Swiss cheese are formed by carbon dioxide; I think mine are formed by laughing gas [nitrous oxide]; apparently this is the same stuff used in high performance motors... there may be some correlation there). So, without further ado, I present Mark's errata.
For starters, Dave (a.k.a Wiz- which is another story altogether) had his back to the audience to symbolize Stu Sutcliffe who played bass with the Beatles during their very years. As Stu tragically died of a brain aneurism, Wiz symbolized this by spending our entire short set with his back to the audience. Another Wreakles oversite: Mark played lead guitar, and I played rhythm (partly because I'm not sure Mark- who is highly educated- probably still doesn't know how to spell rhythm); Matt "sang", Jimbo- who was completely without rhythm- played drums, and Wiz strummed with his back to the audience.
Then, there's Tuddi Toots/Wreakles facts.
As a rule, we were pretty predictable, with Mark and I arriving around 2100, Dr. Dave around 2115, and Matt arriving after Dallas (the T.V. show) concluded, usually around 2130 (all times -0600 GMT). We usually sat at a table in the main part of the establishment, in the main floor area- pretty much kitty-corner to the bar and about as far back from the dance floor as one could get without being in the dining area along the wall.
As mentioned in the title, I have some (a lot) of waitress errata, courtesy of Mark. For starters, Terri, the owner of the subliminal earrings, was tipped by Mark and thanked Matt. Along with Terri, our "regular" servers were Renee, Wanda, Cindy Lou, Jeannie, and Jody. We're not 100% sure, but agree that Jeannie (a good friend of Cindy Lou) was the server that was "deported" back to Tennessee for being underage (to serve alcohol).
In other news, the odometer countdown is M-300- in other words, Road Trip time! We're getting close to Memorial Day (May 26th this year), a holiday which is generally considered the unofficial start of summer here in the United States. It was actually created to honor and remember the war dead of the American Civil War. It was once known as Decoration Day, because folks would visit cemeteries and decorate tombstones. Today it honors all U.S. war dead.
Today is the 1st of May, and for once I remembered to flip the page over on my Lego calendar, and this month's featured Lego creation is a scale model of the famed WW1 Sopwith Camel.
Finally, from the Wonderful World of Data (yes, I typed that with a straight face), I have no news and some good news. As far as "no news" goes, I've been pretty busy at work, and Jennifer and I have started making more regular visits to the gym. Good news? I've had the opportunity to do a bit more with data at work, using a program called FirstPrep. It's a pretty nifty utility- I'd link some information about it, but I can't find much that is useful.
As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.
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