I don't remember what my original topic was going to be for this edition of Ye Olde Blogge, but it had something to do with our whiteboard. Someday, it may come back to me, but until that fateful day arrives, I will need to move along.
The reason I'd forgotten what the whiteboard idea was about was because I had just finished working thirteen consecutive days. Yep, October 27 was my first day off in fourteen days. Please note, I'm not complaining about working- especially in this wacky economy. It's just that in those thirteen days, I also had a significant amount of overtime- twenty-one hours the first week, and eleven the second week.
The upside to all of this is that there is a lot of work, and I am getting a good amount of training, programming time and experience. And, the money is nice as well.
The downside is... well, after family time and shopping and other sundry bits of life, there's precious little time left for my I.T. projects.
However, as I'm not a huge fan of the downside, there's another side to this: it is just a season. Prior to writing this blog entry, I was unaware that Pete Seeger was the writer of the Byrds' hit Turn! Turn! Turn!. Well, I suppose arranger is a better description, as the lyrics are nearly straight out of the Bible's Book of Ecclesiastes. The idea of the song, though fits really well here: this is just a season, and this is a new week- and, in my perspective, a new season.
So, as a differently-spelled Seger (Bob) suggested, its time to Turn the Page.
I moved a few of my I.T. reference books into the office last night and downloaded and installed Steam onto another computer. I did a quick test on a PC and found out that I need a sound card, so I need to order an inexpensive one this week. And, get back to database work... and maybe a bit of dev work, if time allows.
As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.
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