Saturday, March 1, 2014

Happy Pi month!

For the past ten days or so, I have been privately lamenting the fact that the number of my blog posts in 2014 has been fairly low. In a previous post, I had lamented upon how New Year's  resolutions should be repurposed as goals, and that maybe in this light they might be more attainable. Well, as noble and as forward-thinking as this may be, I still need to deal with the intersection of Reality and Life.

This blog, for example. I had hoped to have a few more posts by this time, but Life (in general) and work (specifically) have taken their toll and conspired to keep me away from writing. I think that the folks who regularly follow this blog have known me to wax on about the hours I sometimes work. Well, this week, I put in 21.25 hours of overtime... mind you, I'm not complaining about having work- I'm merely documenting the challenges one sometimes faces when blogging.

And this impacts the Secret Underground Lair as well. As detailed in some previous blogs ( Cliches &
Who Does That?), even though Jennifer has a relatively new computer, I've longed to set her up with a computer that is actually new. For some time, Mr. T. and I have been discussing building a new PC (for him). He has a very capable machine that he is using right now, but feels the need to upgrade. However, he's holding out for DDR4 memory, so there's no telling when he'll be able to build a new system.

But, for Jennifer, I decided that we would build her new. Travis and I scoured the internet, and finally settled on what looks to be a nice AMD/ASUS powered system from We received all of the parts last week, but after looking at the AMD-supplied cooling, I decided that an upgrade would be nice. Why?

Honestly, we're in uncharted territory here. The processor that came in the barebones kit we ordered was an AMD APU  (microprocessor[cpu}+graphics processor [AMD Radeon 7700] on one package [APU]). So, we don't need a graphics card- because its colocated with the CPU-- but I'm guessing that more cooling is not a bad idea (as a GPU tends to generate a lot of heat).

So,... everything should be here by Tuesday, and then the Secret Underground Lair will step into action, creating a computing beast~!

In the wonderful world of data, things are starting to happen. I've gotten back to some data entry in the database,  but it looks like my stats were blown out in the last crash.  So, there's one more spreadsheet that needs to be built.

As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging database analysis and management so you don't have to.

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