My spam folder is empty- in fact, it's been empty for over twelve hours. Even taking into consideration that it's late Sunday night as I write this and Sundays seem to thankfully be slow email days, it's pretty odd for the spam folder to be empty for such a "long" period. So, here are a few thoughts on why this might be happening.
1. They're Christians. Well, after all, many Christians do worship on Sunday. Of course, I don't suppose that very many who call themselves Christian would be engaged in the spam industry. Not real ones, in any event.
2. Canadian pharmacies are closed on Sunday. Possibly a better theory; then again, I'm an American that lives relatively far away from Canada, so I could not say with any degree of certainty one way or the other whether this is true. If it is true, I'll have to plan on purchasing misspelled, hyphenated pharmaceuticals on Monday.
3. They're spending quality time with their families. This is actually plausible; after all, there are probably a fair number of folks who appear to be good, upstanding members of their community... elected officials, unfortunately, come immediately to mind in this category.
4. They're working on a new version of the Nigerian Letter. This also seems pretty reasonable, although a bit less probable than #3. Reason? The Nigerian Letter has been around for some time- at least since the time of the French Revolution; according to the Boston Globe, it became the "Spanish Prisoner letter" around the time of the Spanish-American War. Sad but true, the average American who falls for this con coughs up ~5,000 USD. The best one I ever received was "from" Yassir Arafat's widow. I kid you not.
5. They've got a hot date. Um... I don't think so.
6. Polish spammers- see #1, #2, and #3. I'm not sure why I get foreign-language spam, but I've been getting one or two Polish languages spams per week.
7. Russian email order brides- see #1, #3 and especially #5. Even if the *ahem* "ladies" in the spam are real, they more than likely have diseases... and the email probably will get your PC viruses.
8. Political parties and politicians- see #1 and #3. For some strange reason, I get a lot of this. I'm sure they're all out on Sunday, going to church, giving interviews and kissing babies. Simultaneously.
Well, that's all I've got on spam. I generally just empty my spam folder without reading any of it, but there are one or two exceptions. There's one political email that is so radical and ridiculous- it just begs to be read. The other is a Nigerian letter; these are often quite interesting. And, believe it or not, there's actually one type of spam that I almost miss: the one with the random words in the title, followed by random, gibberish text.
Data. As I need to keep on reminding myself, the underlyng theme of this blog is data. I've not done much on that front since my database crashed. In my defense, there are a couple of reasons for this. First, work- I've been putting a lot of hours recently, and right now there's no relief in sight until September. Then, there's the actual database itself. As we don't have any network attached storage (NAS) or a file server, my data had been stored on a portable, external drive and worked on at one of three Win 7 or 8 PCs, each with a different version of Microsoft Office (2007,2010 and 2013). I'm going to change my policy and only use my Win8 laptop with Office 2013. This should take care of things.
As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.
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