Queen Tinka I |
Schwarz- Alpha cat |
I took both of these shots in May, and although cats are not know for their expressive faces, their poses and places tell all.
Tinka (above) does not guard our home. She merely collects data on events in and around the home, and assesses threats to her own safety. She is I.T. cat. After the Zombie Apocalypse and the complete demise of humanity, she will more than likely become the queen of the cockroaches. Schwarz (below) will probably survive until a zombie figures out that the cat is hungry. He is Alpha cat.
So, yeah, I just wanted an excuse to post a few photos- I haven't really done this in some time, so there you go- two of our four cats. One final note about publishing in general and the Google platform in particular- getting the layout right for the photos and text was a bit of a challenge- if anyone has ever done layout for print or electronic media, you'll agree that WYSIWIG sometimes only works with text, and the rule of thumb is preview, preview, preview!
I've got some big news (relatively speaking) on the data front. Tonight was not exactly a quiet night at work, but the work I was involved with gave me some time to do a bit of research during the running of some processes. In the course of my research, I was finally able to nail a good name for not one, but two websites. Of course, as I haven't registered them just yet, I'm not at liberty to divulge their names. I plan for one to be about data, but the second one is a different sort of project, and I'm really not at liberty to discuss it yet, save for it being a pet interest of mine. More to follow if and when either of these projects ever leaves the ground.
My main reason for even thinking about a website is education. I've never been a good school (formal) learner- if that's even a term- but I do pretty well hands-on at my own pace. I'm hoping that a venture into the real estate of cyberspace will give me the impetus to do something cool and useful.
The downside of this is that I don't really have a cohesive vision for my data site. I'd like to do some cool, interactive stuff, but most likely it will be quite a niche site- I figure 10 visitors on a good day. On the other hand, the other site WILL be a niche site by design, but will probably be much more popular.
As always. I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.
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