Blog titles are important to me: I feel they should generally be clever and succinct. However, they don't necessarily need to be original, and sometimes redundancy is not a bad thing- and so, today's title was chosen. What surprised me most, though, was that it is only #2.
So, what's it all about?
As previously mentioned, my blogging has slacked off as of late, so I thought it would be nice to pick up the writing pace. There's also been a flurry of intellectual activity (of sorts) here at the Secret Underground Lair (SUL) of late that is also worth noting.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but here at the SUL we tend to be a bit like pack rats. Not in a huge way. For example, no one would think of saving the driver's door of a 1957 Chevy if we had one of those in the garage (we don't), Really- what are the chances of us ever needing something like that? However, a broken condensate pump? Well, that's another story, and a candidate for saving.
This past week, Mr. T has once again broached the "ugly" subject of reorganizing the SUL. The subject is ugly not because it is without merit, but because of the logistics involved. According to a definition I found online, logistics is the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies. And that is truly what we have here.
I'm happy that Mr. T has decided to move his desk. Really- it makes a great deal of sense in terms of overall office organization.To make room for this move, all I need to do is move a 6' rolltop desk upstairs, and then move a small bookshelf so that we can rotate his desk ninety degrees. The rolltop desk will displace an oddly shaped stereo cabinet upstairs which will move into the basement. All of this will happen after we fix Jennifer's desktop computer.
On my personal list of thing to do, I have Mr. T's cirriculum and my personal list of things to do.
As I write this, Mr. T is officially an adult. He should be out in the economy making a living. However, as we all know, there are very few entry level jobs, and we don't bother him about work too much. So, we expect him to expand his brain. And so, we are embarking on a few Adventures. This past week, I picked up an Arduino kit and some additional components; I hope to stimulate his interest in things electronic with this, and hopefully integrate the Raspberry Pi as well.We'll see how that goes. On my personal plate, I'm working on learning the Python programming language, as well as getting my personal database built.
That's it from the SUL today. As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging data ananysis and management so yo don't have to.
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