"In other data news, I've got what appears to be a workable solution for my internal Lego part number. It's fairly lengthy at seventeen characters, and from all appearances, this should be sufficient. I've begun the data entry on this, and tried a few trial sorts. So far, everything looks good, and this is officially stage 2 of the Peeron normalization."
As noted over a year ago in this space, No plan of battle survives first contact with the enemy, the best plans often don't get past the first round or two of testing. It's unfortunately true, and I'm referring here to the Lego portion of Forty-Two. I'm sitting on a challenge right now that's more conundrum than impasse.
With only sixty-five entries, I ran into one of the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back" records. My format had been "ANNNNNNNN.XXXXXXX", where A=alpha character, N=numeric character, the "."is a placeholder, and X=alpha or numeric character. It's large and unwieldy, but that doesn't matter, as I only need it to force order onto the Peeron data. So, I need to add a few more characters to the right of the "." placeholder. Still, I hate to redo stuff I've already done. So now, it appears that I'm up to nineteen bytes for the primary key. Hopefully, it doesn't grow more than that.
Before I forget, the Men Without Hats reference is, of course, to The Safety Dance, which I was humming when it looked like nineteen would, indeed, be a safe number. I just skimmed the entire list, and I'm fairly certain I can stick with nineteen.
As far as the rest of the database is concerned, I've been pounding away at my least favorite activity- data entry. It's still a really small database, and not even relational as yet. Three tables, containing in total 753 records.
I think that's a wrap. The internal issue I always have when doing these types of updates is keeping this more blog than change log. Oh well, speeds and feeds are gonna be speeds and feeds....
Lastly, a big shout out to my friends in Russia and Portugal- I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it.
As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.
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