In our office, it it something of a tradition for certain folks to take their vacation at certain times of the year. One of my coworkers, who I count as a friend, always takes her vacation during the first two weeks of January. She and a few girlfriends go up to Michigan and do whatever girlfriends "of a certain age" do in January in Michigan. A few years back, I shared with her my theory about her vacation: every year the girls would gather at the rustic cabin on the northwestern shore of Lake Michigan, and for whatever reason, would dance around naked under the moon. Mind you, my friend is neither young or slender... we shuddered in unison at that thought.
Another coworker is a biker.This guy is probably the last person in the world who one would imagine to be a biker, but its true. His heritage is at least part Pacific Islander, and he is totally prim and proper. But... he is a dyed-in-the-wool Harley rider. He takes his riding quite seriously, too- he has a slightly darker skin tone than most of his coworkers, yet after a weekend ride, he still comes in with a "raccoon" tan from his goggles! I think he plans at least part of his vacation around a visit to Sturgis.
The majority of my coworkers take their vacations at "normal" times for Americans- sometime during the summer. There are a few of us who take vacations as needed, or before they expire. Jennifer and I generally do not take a "traditional" travelling vacation, so as it is policy to not book vacation days more than 90 days out, I generally hold most- if not all- of my days until the last quarter (the end of the calendar year).
The past few years, I've taken a few weeks around Thanksgiving. This year, I bunched most of my days off around Christmas. However...
One of my coworkers uses ALL of his vacation at the end of December (remember, we have some traditions!) As I had nowhere planned to go, I figured I'd take everything in December. But... Jennifer mentioned that our anniversary was on Sunday this year, I moved a few days from December to October, and sent an email out to let management know I'd updated the vacation calendar.
I received a quick response from our supervisor about my intended vacation, along with an attachment that had the department's vacation guidelines. Remember the coworker who take his entire vacation in December? Well, he also blocks off time on the vacation calendar in VERY LARGE LETTERS. So large that I did not notice the other initials on the calendar when I put mine up.
Not a big deal. As usual, Jennifer and I had no travel plans, so instead of three days at the end of December, I have a whole week in October. Win-win.
In closing, it is Monday, October 10, 2016
As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.
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