I've got Saturday night off, which is a nice thing. Saturdays tend to be a bit odd for me, at least in comparison with most other folks I know. For starters, as I work nights, I spend most of my Saturday in bed. When I don't work on Saturday, Jennifer, Mr. T and I attend church at The Bridge, where we are members.
I was particularly excited about this evening's service, as Karl Clauson was scheduled to be speaking. Karl is a fascinating man and a wonderful speaker who never disappoints. As we approached the entrance, we saw a few folks wearing neon green Celebrate Recovery tee shirts.
Something was up.
Something indeed- CR was celebrating five years at The Bridge. The service started early, with lots more neon green tee shirts all around. And music. As AC/DC so eloquently phrased it, "the music was good and the music was loud". After the music, Heather spoke. I'm not going to spoil the surprise or muddy what she had to say by trying to summarize- I think her presentation will be available on The Bridge's website in a few days.
In the wonderful world of data, this past week has seen progress with both of the databases that I own. I had the opportunity to spend some time on Saturday morning with my work database- this will be a truly cool and useful tool once it is up and running. I did a few updates to a few tables, and solved a somewhat simple naming convention problem. All of our jobs are known by a numeral, but because some jobs have multiple versions (but are essentially the same job), I decided to add the alphanumeric designator which is normally associated with the job right after the job number for these jobs, thereby keeping each job number unique (sotto voce aside:yes, I am aware that I used "job" seven times in one sentence- eight if you count this one!). There are a few other types of jobs which further complicate things, in that they are under one job number but are really different jobs; for these, I've added a "Version" column to the table. So far- with just a little over a month's worth of data, the system is working.
Back in the Secret Underground Lair, data is also happening- and so is a new energy conservation initiative. Because of September's power outages- and in an attempt to conserve a bit of electricity- we've purchased a number of battery-powered motion sensing lights. In the short time we've had them, we've used them as emergency flashlights and area lighting in lieu of electrical lights. I've also taken to turning off a surge protector, which has a few "vampire" devices attached to it. I can't report with any certainty that we've lowered our electricity usage' but we do have fewer lights on.
My "big" database is coming along quite nicely. In spite of not being a huge data entry person, I had a surge of "git'r done" this past week and managed to update well over 200 entries this past week, mainly in the "Media_Title" table but also in the "Names" table.
That's all for now- I vacuumed and need to "freshen up" a bit before dinner.
As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.
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