I am a programmer by trade. My training is ongoing, as is appropriate with any craft. What I do on the job, though, is only a part of my craft.
For nearly a year, I've been in search of the "perfect" programming language to learn. My requirements for this language are fairly simple: I need to be able to learn it on my own time, on my own schedule and at minimal cost. Considering the day and age in which we live, these are pretty simple and easily met. The problem I've encountered, though, is that many languages will fit my criteria, and I think I need to have a few under my belt. The huge problem is: where to start?
HTML is a pretty obvious choice, and I've dabbled in it a bit. The problem is that it is pretty much limited (!) to the Web, and I am in need of something a bit more general purpose in nature. With the advent of the Raspberry Pi, Python has become a strong contender for me, and as I have an interest in this device, Python seems to be the way to go. So, where is Python?
In a word: everywhere! I have it installed on nearly every PC I use on a regular basis, and although I'm not much past the very basics of the language (think: print("hello") ), I've made it a priority to at least touch it every day, if not actually learn something.
The past week has been a bit of a wash as far as Python goes. The main reason for this is because I am once again gainfully employed as an employee rather than a contractor or temp.This makes me happy- yay! However, as an employee, I feel the need to increase my value to my employer, and to this end, I will ensure that I do some programming on my own time.
In the wonderful world of data, I came up with one more improvement to one of the tables which should fix a data synchronization issue. More on that after it is implemented.
As always, I am hochspeyer, blogging data analysis and management so you don't have to.
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